The Fairey Seafox floatplane was normally operated and launched from British Royal Navy
Cruisers in the reconnaissance role in the first two years of WW2. Eventually it was
replaced by the Fairey Swordfish floatplane and the Supermarine Walrus amphibian.
Fairey Swordfish Floatplane
The Swordfish was the real 'worhorse' of the thr Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm. The floatplane
version was used for reconnaissance on cruisers and battleships. They were also operated
as squadrons flying from seaplane bases at Gibralta, Malta, Singapore and from the UK.
They could carry a useful bomload or torpedos.
Supermarine Walrus
Originally this amphibian was designed by Reginald Mitchell as the 'Seagull' specifically
for the Royal Australian Navy in the early 1930s. Eventually, both the Royal Navy and
Royal Air Force operated this aircraft calling it the Walrus.It was nicknamed the
'Shagbat', as it apparently reminded some people of looking like a pair of bats copulating
when it flew overhead!
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